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Welcome to Virtual Church

Kenton Baptist Church

Sunday 22nd August 2021

Our 'Call to Worship' today says that we are blessed when we put our hope and trust in God. Sometimes coming to a firm committed faith in Jesus is a journey. Looking back we can see how God has shown His love to us in different ways and through many different circumstances. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13.8) He is still offering forgiveness and hope and He is with us by His Spirit to strengthen and guide us.


Once we have made that initial step of faith, it's just the beginning of our journey as we walk step by step with God. The more we know God and the more we read His Word, the more realise we can put our trust in Him totally. He never fails! 

As we praise God this morning, let's realise just how great and mighty He is. He is faithful, eternal, all-powerful and unchanging. He is the everlasting God who holds all things in His hands.

Strength Will Rise

Everlasting God

Build Your Kingdom


Our prayers today

are led by Sammy

Intercessory PrayersSammy
00:00 / 04:19

Let us also pray for those we know of personally who are in need at this time

Sammy (2).jpg

Our Bible Reading is taken from 1 Kings 17:1-16 and is read by Lola.

1 Kings 17:1-16Lola
00:00 / 03:38

Father God, as we come right into Your throne-room today and as we continue in our worship, may we be so aware of the presence of Jesus. Lord, there is no-one who compares with You. We bow our hearts and we worship at You feet today and we proclaim You as our Saviour and Lord. Come and move in our hearts by Your Spirit as we declare our trust in You - our faithful God.

Blessed be Your Name

Though The Fig Tree Does Not Blossom



Father God, please speak to us. May we learn more about You and more about standing on the persistent, penetrating and uncompromising truth of Your Word. Holy Spirit, give us understanding as we come with hearts ready to receive, so that we grow and move forward in faith today.

Lord, help us to live more effectively for You. Amen

Richard's Message

based on

1 Kings 17:1-16


Response song:

In My Wrestling and In My Doubt

Blessing and Benediction

Bonus Song:

God Is Our Strength And Our Refuge

If you have any questions about the Christian Faith

or knowing God more, please contact us:

We hope you enjoyed your time with God in Virtual Church!

For ways to give to Kenton Baptist Church, please click HERE.

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