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Senior Adults


(Mondays 2pm unless stated)

November 4th

Quiz Afternoon

November 11th

Harrow Shop Mobility with Gail Walters

November 18th

More than just a Choir

November 25th

Keep Fit

December 4th

Christmas Carol Service followed by tea/coffee and mince pies

TUESDAY December 10th

Christmas lunch at the Blue Check Restaurant

As a Voluntary Club, our aim is to welcome the over 65’s within the community, for a weekly afternoon of fun and games, music, activities, speakers, outings, and occasional lunches together etc.  We meet on Monday afternoons at 2 - 3.30 pm (except Bank holidays and during the month of August). Our objective is to create a Club with friendship and for those who enjoy meeting people and to create an atmosphere of fun and laughter as they mingle together.

Our meetings start with tea, coffee and biscuits and close with prayer. At Easter and Christmas time we conduct a service of Praise and Worship, where members are encouraged to participate, reminding us of God’s unconditional love for each one of us.



   Sylvia Thomas



The 'Seniors' Team' -

Murline, Alan, Sylvia and Pam

will be here to welcome you.

Please save your:

  • Used English and foreign postage stamps for the Leprosy Mission

  • Foreign and old coins for St Luke's Hospice

  • Any loose change for Mother Janet Orphanage in Uganda

There will be boxes on the table where you pay your subs for these things. Thank You.

Recent visit from U3A Choir

Seniors' Cream Tea 

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