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Welcome to Virtual Church

Kenton Baptist Church

Sunday 18th July 2021

In our 'Call to Worship' today we are invited to join the Psalmist in 'magnifying the Lord', which means celebrating his greatness.  It means recognising him ('his name') for who he is.  He is our Creator, our Provider, our Sustainer.  Every breath we breathe, every word we speak, is a display of his grace, which gives us life, hope and purpose.  The Lord is also our Saviour; he has rescued us from slavery to sin and self, and has brought us into his kingdom of light and love and life.

Our songs of praise this morning invite us to celebrate God's greatness and majesty, but also to respond with wonder to the love he has shown to us in Jesus, his Son. 

Every Praise Is To Our God

Praise Him In The Sanctuary

(Everything That Has Breath)

Hear These Praises From

A Grateful Heart


Our prayers today

are led by Liz Smith

00:00 / 05:05

Let us also pray for those we know of personally who are in need at this time

Liz Smith.jpg

Our Bible Reading is taken from Luke 4:14-32

and is read by Peter Meunier

Luke 4:14-32Peter Meunier
00:00 / 02:49

Jesus' authority was demonstrated both in his clear and radical teaching and in his unchallenged ability to 'pass through their midst' and go on his way.  Later in the New Testament, Paul would acknowledge the eternal authority of Jesus saying that the day will come when

'at the name of Jesus every knee will bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.'

(Philippians 2:10-11)

We come now to worship this supreme Christ of God, to acknowledge how worthy he is of our worship, and to invite him to transform our lives as we wait for him.

Worthy Of Every Song

(Build My Life)

Walking Around These Walls

(Do It Again)

If Faith Can Move The Mountains

(Waiting Here For You)


Lord Jesus, we acknowledge that you are the eternal Son of God, our Lord and our Saviour.  Sometimes it's easier for us to sing our 'Hallelujahs' than it is to listen to your words and to respond with loving obedience.  It can be easier to be religious than to be remade.  As our Pastor opens your Word to us today please help us, by your Holy Spirit, to let you transform and shape our lives.

In your own precious name, Amen.

Pastor Steve's Message

based on

Luke 4:14-32




For the next part of the service, we invite you to have bread and wine ready to take part in this act of remembrance.

Jesus has made the way for us to come home to God.  He has invited us to share the love and renewal that flow from his perfect sacrifice on the Cross.  He invites all who know and love him to the Communion table.

We share Communion as together we make room for Jesus to be the Lord of our lives. 

Communion song:

O The Blood

Communion service:

led by Steve and Sheila

Response song:

Thy Word Is A Lamp Unto My Feet


Blessing and Benediction

Bonus Song:

If you have any questions about the Christian Faith

or knowing God more, please contact us:

Bonus Song:

I Was A Wretch, I Remember Who I Was

(Thank You Jesus For The Blood)

We hope you enjoyed your time with God in Virtual Church!

For ways to give to Kenton Baptist Church, please click HERE.

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