Welcome to Virtual Church
Kenton Baptist Church
Sunday 25th April
A close encounter with God touches our hearts and lives in a way that nothing else can. It brings a realisation of who He is and where we stand before Him. We read about such things in the Bible, but it doesn't stop there! This holy God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth loves us, is real and is still changing hearts and lives today.
He is the One who chose to send His only Son Jesus, to die in our place, be raised to life again and rescue us from the effects of our sin. This is the only way we can receive the forgiveness and peace that God wants us to have and deciding to follow Jesus is the best and most important decision we can ever make. An encounter like this fills us with joy, sets our hearts on fire and causes our spirits to overflow with love and gratitude.
Let us Praise God for what He has done. He is on our side, wanting the best for us and wanting to bless us with life-changing forgiveness and love through Jesus.
The Greatest Day In History
I Cast My Mind To Calvary
Victor's Crown
Let us continue pray for the Queen and Royal Family at this time, that God will hold them and be their strength and comfort in this time of loss.
Intercessory Prayers
led by Antony.
Let us also pray for those we know of personally who are in need at this time.
Our Bible Reading is taken from John 21:1-19 ESV
and is read by Lesline
Lord Jesus, as we continue in Your presence this morning, we come to give our lives to You afresh and to acknowledge Your majesty and Your greatness, Your goodness and Your love. Holy Spirit, help us to engage in a deeper way so that we come right into the throne-room of God by the precious blood of Jesus. Thankyou that we have received Your mercy and forgiveness and that we stand forgiven and set free - thankyou for the song of worship that You have put within each one of us because of Your great love! We are forever grateful.
How Deep The Father's Love
In Christ Alone
Overwhelmed By Love
Prayer: Father as we continue in Your presence, we pray that our hearts will be receptive to Your Word to us. Lord, your Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path - challenge us, teach us Your ways, show us Your paths, and guide us in Your truth - so that we will truly live for the glory of Your name.
Message: Richard Smith
John 21:1-19
Response Song:
I Have Decided
Bonus Song:
When I Was Lost
If you have any questions about the Christian Faith or knowing God more, please contact us: info@kentonbaptist.com
020 8907 7494
We hope you enjoyed your time with God in Virtual Church!
To read some Faith Stories,
please click here.
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