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Welcome to Virtual Church

Kenton Baptist Church

Sunday 11th April


There are many stories in the New Testament of people whose lives were transformed by the power of God when they met Jesus. This is true today. Jesus is alive - the Bible tells us He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13.8) He is still bringing forgiveness and hope and still transforming lives by the power of His Spirit.

Sometimes coming to a firm, committed faith in Jesus is a journey. Looking back we can 
often see how God has shown His love to us in different ways and through many different 
circumstances. Check out the 'Faith Stories' link at the end of the page to read some of our journeys, and know that you too can find the forgiveness, peace and joy that knowing Jesus brings.


The Bible tells us that God sent His Son to save us. 1 John 4.10 says "This is real love is not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins."

Today we come to lift up the name of Jesus - the One who has set us free and the One who is worthy of all our praise.

All Things Are Possible

Led Like A Lamb

Worthy Is The Lamb


Let us especially pray for the Queen and Royal Family at this time, that God will hold them and be their strength and comfort in this time of loss.

Intercessory Prayers

led by Mark.

Let us also pray for those we know of personally who are in need at this time.

Intercesory PrayerMark
00:00 / 04:56
Janice Woodvine.JPG

Our Bible Reading is taken from Luke 24:13-35 ESV

and is read by Janice

Luke 24:13-35Janice
00:00 / 03:07

Thankyou Father that now it is possible for us to come near to You and enjoy Your presence. Once we were far away, without hope and without God...but now we have been brought near through the blood of Christ. Thankyou Jesus that we can come freely to worship in Spirit and Truth to bow our hearts before You in adoration, to give You the glory that is due to Your name and to re-affirm You as Lord of our lives. Holy Spirit, please touch our hearts as we worship.

As The Deer

To Be In Your Presence

Beautiful Lord, Wonderful Saviour

Prayer: Lord, we come desiring to hear You speak - may the truth of Your word penetrate our hearts, and may Your Spirit ignite a passion within us. Take us, mould us, fill us and use us for Your glory as we give ourselves to You. Amen

Message: Elizabeth Smith

Luke 24: 13-35


Response Song: 

Beautiful Saviour


Bonus Song:

All The Way My Saviour Leads Me

If you have any questions about the Christian Faith or knowing God more, please contact us:

020 8907 7494

We hope you enjoyed your time with God in Virtual Church!

For ways to give to Kenton Baptist Church, please click HERE.

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