Welcome to Virtual Church
Kenton Baptist Church
Sunday 28th February
“Come, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord.” (Psalm 134:1)
In Israel the Levites (priests) were these ‘servants of the Lord’ called ‘to stand every morning, thanking and praising the Lord, and likewise at evening’ (1 Chronicles 23:30). They offered praise and thanksgiving on behalf of the people of God. As New Testament believers we also are described as ‘priests’. It is part of our calling, too, to offer thanks and praise to the God whose amazing blessings and grace are generously made available to all through Jesus Christ. As we praise God, the Bible pictures us joining with the whole of creation to honour the Lord:
"His name alone is exalted; his majesty is above earth and heaven." (Psalm 148:13)
We sing our praises to him today!
Praise Him In The Sanctuary
Let Everything That Has Breath
I Will Bless The Lord Forever
Intercessory Prayers
led by Lola
Let us also pray for those we know of personally who are in need at this time.
Our Bible Reading is taken from Mark 2:1-12
('The Message' version)
and is read by Phil
We see Jesus in the middle of a busy day, full of pressure, responding with generosity and love to the faith of men who sought help for their paralysed friend. Jesus not only restored the man to an active life but also brought him forgiveness – a fresh start in a new life with God. Jesus’ faithful, persistent love later led him to ‘set his face to go to Jerusalem’ to face abuse, humiliation and death on the cross in order to win forgiveness for all people in all ages and all nations who would put their trust in him.
In Jesus we see the supreme demonstration of God’s faithful love for lost people – people like us. We now come to worship God for his faithful loving-kindness, using some more reflective songs.
Who Is There Like You?
Waiting Here For You
Faithful One
Prayer: Heavenly Father your faithful love brings us a hope that is found in no-one else. Lord Jesus your sacrificial love has paid the price of our freedom and forgiveness. Holy Spirit please fill us anew, 'that Christ may dwell in our hearts through faith' as we receive and live out the new life Jesus has won for us. Please help us to hear your words of life as Pastor Steve speaks to us now. Amen
Pastor Steve's Message:
chapter 2
verses 1-12
Response Song:
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Bonus Song:
Out Of The Shadows (Rise Up)
We hope you enjoyed your time with God in Virtual Church!
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please click here.
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